Base (Light Pink) Color: Sinful Colors "Glass Pink"
Light Blue Color: Pure Ice "Outrageous"
Dark Blue Color: Orly "Hailey's Commet"
Rhinestones & Pearls: Etsy.com
Silver Chain: Joanns.com
I have a few more designs I have yet to post, but they are on an SD card hiding somewhere in my room. Hopefully I will find it soon and I can get those posts up..... This is my most recent nail design. I really wish I had more pictures but it was snowing today && windy as hell and I was shaking like a leaf while taking the pics. Needless to say, most of the pics came out blurry. After doing this design, I don't think I will ever be able to have a simple design on my nails again lol. .. On another note, I ordered a bunch of nail art foils along with some other nail art doo-dads from DollarNailArt && should be getting them this week. I will post pics && a review once I get them in. I am planning on doing a massive nail art haul this week and order a bunch of rhinestones, pearls, confetti, glitter && all that fun stuff. I noticed that a lot of the online nail supply stores in the US don't have the best selection and don't even carry the really cute deco nail supplies. So I will be forced to order all my new nail art from China && Japan. The upside, I found some amazingly cute nail art I couldn't find anywhere else, should have enough supplies after this purchase to do lots and lots of mani's and pedi's, and they are really affordable compared to the nail art in the US. The one and only downside, THE SHIPPING!! I will have to wait pretty much a month to get everything in the mail. =( And FYI I am the most impatient person when it comes to shipping && also the worst luck when it comes to shipping. But once I get them, oh it's ON! I will be designing my nails like there is no tomorrow.. I already have 32234 ideas in mind. =P .. I should be getting them right around February so I will be sure to do some of the cutest valentine's day nails. Also I am going to start designing like a full image of step by step pictures on how I do my designs. I plan on starting this with my new years nail design but we'll see how it goes. I also want to start getting video tutorials up soon too. The thing is, I have a horrible time trying to get really good detailed pictures & videos without natural sunlight. Since I am either at work or class during the daylight, it's so difficult to get nice lighting. If you have any tips let me know. But I am determined to figure this lighting thing out so I can post more pics. Anywho, I hope everyone had a great holiday && I will be posting again for New Years.