1.Passion Pink ... 2. Peach Burst ... 3. English Rose ... 4. Light Rose ... 5. Red Glitter
Nail foils from: DollarNailArt.com
I want to make you aware that this is my first time applying nail foils so I haven't figured out the best technique yet. Please ignore any bald spots lol. =) I liked all of these, but found the English Rose foil to be the most difficult to apply. The texture of the English Rose foil was different from the rest, kind of like those thin transparent papers you see on cards and wedding invitations.

1. Roman Marble ... 2. Snake Skin ... 3. Disco Ball ... 4. Smokey Silver ... 5. Teal
Same with the last hand, I like all of these but the Disco Ball was sooo hard to apply. Which makes me sad because it's the one I was most excited about it. =( Just like the English Rose, this foil had a somewhat different texture than the rest. I tried to re-apply this foil 3 times before I gave up. Hopefully with some practice, I can get those foils to work better. I really liked the snake skin foil as well. I love how some parts are transparent and you can see your base color through it. If I could go back in time before I placed my order I would have swapped the English Rose and Disco Ball and for different foils, but the rest I love.>