Here is my current mani. I was looking at Chloe's Nail Blog and found her tutorial on how she does her scotch tape manis. The designs she is able to make with just some scotch tape are amazing, so you should check out her blog and see more of her work. This was my first attempt at the scotch tape mani, and I think it came out really well-even though I would posistion the tape better next time. Not as well as Chloe's though- but she also has many years of scotch tape & nail painting experience. lol This mani is really easy, the hardest part is cutting out the tiny strips of tape- but the results are well worth it. Since I was a first timer, I just decided to do two fingers with the rays and just used a crackle polish for my other 3 nails.
Light Pink Color: Sinful Colors "Glass Pink"
Medium Pink Color: Sinful Colors "Cream Pink"
Dark Pink Color: China Glaze "Hyper Haute"
Black Color: Sinful Colors "Black on Black"
Black Crackle Color: China Glaze "Black Mesh"
On another note, the reason I never posted a Mardi Gras mani is because it ended up being a complete nail fail. lol I used those tiny lil beads to create "mardi gras beads" but when I applied the top coat the color from the beads came off and smeared all over the place. Also beads were falling off left and right, and I dinged my nails up like crazy. But here is the pic of my most grand nail fail lol..

Anyways, once I take my new mani off, my St. Patrick's day one will be going on. I'll try to post it early next week.