I didn't clean up the edges of my nails after I did this design but I didn't want to delay this post any further. I think the lil pilgrim looks so cute! I was going to do a pilgrim on one hand then maybe an indian or a turkey on the other hand but didn't know how I could draw them in a way that would match the pilgrim. So I did the pilgrim on both hands and did some water marbeling on my pointer fingers to make the design more visually interesting. As always, products are listed below in the order I used them ..
Brown Nails
Brown Color: Pure Ice "Magic"
Shimmery Top Coat: Sally Hansen "Hidden Treasure"
Water Marble Nails
Base (off white) Color: Sinful Colors "Easy Going"
Brown Color: Pure Ice "Magic"
Yellow Color: Sinful Colors "Let's Meet"
Orange Color: Sinful Colors "Cloud 9"
Red Color: Sinful Colors "GoGo Girl" (This color showed up as a hot pink when marbling, so I tried to paint some red directly over the pink color in the water marble)
Pilgrim Nails
Base Color: Sinful Colors "Easy Going" **2 coats on entire nail**
Black Color: Sinful Colors "Black on Black" **Used a striper brush to apply the color, start with the top hat first**
White Color: Sinful Colors "Snow Me White" **Take the white polish and apply a V shaped french tip then line the edges with black**
Yellow Color: Sinful Colors "Let's Meet" **Applied with a striper brush to make the band around the top hat**
Brown Color: Pure Ice "Magic" **I used this color to fill in the gaps on the sides of the top hat**